Purchase procedure

     1.  You may contact us through telephone, email or Facebook.
         Anda boleh menelefon, emel atau Facebook kita.

     2.  Let us know
          which item you are interested
          how many quantity you want.
          - how you want it to be delivered, either through Pos Laju/Nationwide or direct walk-in to our workshop
         Beritahu kita
         - barang yang anda berkenaan
         - bilangan kuantiti yang diperlukan
         - bagaimana anda hendak mengambil barang tersebut, sama ada menerusi Pos Laju/Nationwide atau datang terus ke kedai kita.

     3.  We will check the availability of the stock and inform you about the charges incurred.
         Kita akan memeriksa status stok and akan beritahu anda bersama dengan harga dikenakan.

     4.  Fax us the deposit receipt once you have deposited.
         Faxkan resit deposit ke nombor fax kita sebaik sahaja wang didepositkan.

     5.  Delivering of products will only start once we confirmed the cash is deposited into our bank account.
         Penghantaran barang akan bermula sebaik sahaja wang dideposit ke akaun kita.